Principal's Page
Welcome to Oehrli Elementary! R. R. Oehrli is the first through fifth grade elementary school where we educate around 440 students. It is a great place to learn!
I would like to express how much I enjoy working with the students, staff and community members of the Montague area. All of us at RRO believe that for children to grow and flourish, they require a safe, caring, and orderly environment. The staff and I are committed to achieving these standards as we provide a quality education for our students.
Parent interest and participation in the total program is welcomed and encouraged. When parents become actively involved in their child's school, their child and other children benefit greatly. We have several areas where parents can get involved. One such place is through our PTO parent group. Please go to the PTO link for more information.
I look forward to meeting and working with you. Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns at (231) 894-9018 or by email at [email protected].