
Welcome to Montague Athletics! The district is represented in 14 sports at the varsity, JV and middle school levels. It is a part of the 14-team West Michigan Conference. For new, scores, and schedules please go to!  

Montague offers several athletic team opportunities at both the high school and middle school.

Fall Sports

Fall Sports

High School

Middle School

Boys - Cross Country, Football, Soccer
Girls - Cross Country, Golf, Sideline Cheer, Volleyball

Boys - Cross Country, Football
Girls - Cross Country, Volleyball

Winter Sports

Winter Sports

High School

Middle School

High School Boys - Basketball, Bowling, Wrestling
High School Girls - Basketball, Bowling, 
Competitive Cheer, Wrestling

Middle School Boys - Basketball, Wrestling
Middle School Girls - Basketball, Competitive Cheer

Spring Sports

Spring Sports

High School

Middle School

High School Boys - Baseball, Golf, Track & Field
High School Girls - Soccer, Softball, Track & Field

Middle School Boys - Track & Field
Middle School Girls - Track & Field

The West Michigan Conference consists of two divisions (based on student enrollment). The Lakes division consists of schools with higher enrollments whereas the Rivers division consists of schools with lower enrollments.

Formed in 1932, the West Michigan Conference is among the longest-standing high school sports leagues in the state of Michigan. The charter members were Hart, Montague, Scottville (now Mason County Central), Shelby and Whitehall. North Muskegon became a member in 1936. The conference stood at eight members since 1985 until expansion happened at the start of the 2022-23 school year. 

Catchmark SportsNet published a series of articles about the history of the conference: 

Episode 1: History of the WMC
Episode 2: Football, competitive balance Fuel Change
Episode 3: Rolling with the Lakes and Rivers Divisions
Episode 4: Rivalries Continue and Renew, Maybe Some New

Lakes Division

FremontFremont Packers
LudingtonLudington Orioles
ManisteeManistee Mariners
MontagueMontague Wildcats
OakridgeOakridge Eagles
Orchard View
Orchard View Cardinals
Whitehall Vikings

Rivers Division

Hart Pirates
Hesperia Panthers
Holton Red Devils
Mason Co Central
MCC Spartans
North Muskegon
North Muskegon Norsemen
Ravenna Bulldogs
Shelby Tigers

Middle School

At the middle school level, the divisions are determined by geographical

Northern Division: Manistee, Mason County Central, Ludington, Hart, Shelby, Hesperia, Holton

Southern Division: Fremont, Montague, Whitehall, North Muskegon, Orchard View, Oakridge, Ravenna


All Montague athletes will be required to complete the following steps in order to be allowed to practice or try out for their respective sport.

1. FINAL FORMS – All parents and athletes will be required to register online using FINAL FORMS. 

To register your student-athlete, please go to

A couple of hints:

Bookmark this site or save it to your desktop on your mobile device or computer (do not Google search for it in the future as you will not go directly to the Montague site).

Have required information available, such as medical history/health information, insurance company policy numbers, doctor, dentist, and hospital information. This will make the registration time be more efficiently completed.

Parents will need to fill in their student’s email address. Final Forms requires that the student’s email address be used. Obtain this from your son/daughter — it is their graduation year, last name, and the first letter of their first name  (Example [email protected]) Your student will then need to check their email for information on how to complete their portion of the registration.

The Montague Parent Playbook (listed below) is to help you with the online registration process. Please note once you register, you will receive an email to confirm your account, create a password, and then complete the required forms.

Montague Parent Playbook

2. Athletic Physicals -  All student-athletes need to have a valid physical after 4-15-2024 on file.  The MHSAA physical form will be filled out by a physician. MHSAA Physical Form. (which is attached below)

MHSAA Physical Form

3. Pay to participate fees will not be collected at this time. Due to the uncertainty of athletics happening this fall, we are not making this mandatory at this time. Pay to participate fees will be due before the first contest. Pay to participate fees for the 2024-2025 school year are $75 for MHS and $50 for NBC.

2024-2025 Participation Fees Policy

Participation fees for the 2024-2025 school year will be a one-time annual fee of $75 per student.  There is now also a rate for free and reduced lunch students at both schools.  

We know these are difficult times for many and do not want to eliminate students from our sports because of financial need.  Please feel free to contact  Athletic Director Jay Mulder if you would like to discuss the possibilities of financial aid. These arrangements need to be made before the season begins.

Athletic participants need to follow the Athletic Code listed below:

Introduction: Montague Area Public Schools (MAPS) believes that students who participate in the privilege of interscholastic sports must act as a positive representative of the school for the entire calendar year (365 days), and not just the particular athletic season in which they participate. The following rules and guidelines apply to students and parents or guardians of students participating in interscholastic athletics. It is the obligation of all students to know about and abide by these guidelines and rules.

Academic Eligibility Standard: To be considered eligible for participation in athletics, MAPS student-athletes may not fail more than 1 class in which they are enrolled during a semester.  If the student-athlete fails more than one class in any semester, he/she will be ineligible for the next semester. Any student-athlete who received more than one incomplete as a grade at semester time shall be ineligible until a passing grade for that class is recorded. Summer school may be an option to meet this requirement.

A weekly eligibility check system shall be used to monitor academic standing and progress of all student-athletes. A master eligibility sheet listing all of the current sports season participants will be distributed each week to all faculty members. A designation of passing, borderline or failing will be used. Based on the information received from them, students who are failing more than one of their classes, using cumulative marking period averages, will be considered ineligible until the next weekly check is made. The check period runs from Sunday-Saturday. 

Citizenship: Any student who receives two 3s, two 4s or two of any combination of 3s and 4s on any weekly eligibility citizenship check, will be ineligible for participation until fewer than two 3s or 4s are received. The scale used is 1-Excellent; 2-Good; 3-Needs Improvement; 4-Unsatisfactory.

Student Assistance Program: The Board of Education has passed a policy establishing a student assistance program. If a student comes forward and admits a problem (not after being caught), the student-athlete will have 14 days to enroll in a program approved by the athletic director, assistant principal or principal. If a student-athlete chooses not to enroll in a program within that time, the appropriate athletic suspension will be given. If a student-athlete chooses to enroll in an approved program during the 14 day time period, then the athletic suspension may be postponed, as long as the athletic director is assured that satisfactory progress is being made by the student-athlete.

Training Rules: Adherence to training rules is expected of all student-athletes. At no time, from the date of a student-athlete's first practice in a school sponsored sports activity including summer and off-seasons, shall an individual:

Use, sell, transfer or possess tobacco products.

Use, sell, transfer or possess alcoholic beverages.

Use, sell, transfer or possess illegal drugs or other illegal controlled substances, including inhalants, steroids, or performance-enhancing substances.

Violate criminal laws or criminal ordinances.

Violate school policies or regulations, which result in a suspension of 3 days or more.

Disciplinary action regarding these training rules will be taken on the basis of reports from a responsible citizen to the coaching staff or administration. That person must be willing to testify in front of the athlete.

The athletic director via first-class mail will send notification of the school's disciplinary action to the parent or guardian. A statement regarding the appeals procedure, which may be initiated by the legal parent or guardian, will accompany notification. When an athlete, or his/her parent or guardian questions the outcome of a decision, regarding an athletic code violation, an appeal may be made by the parent or guardian to the next higher authority. Such an appeal must be made to the next level within 7 school days of notification of the decision. The chain of appeals is as follows:



School Board Employee/Community Relations Committee

Full School Board

The Board will make a decision within 7 days of the recommendation from the appropriate Board committee. If a parent or guardian does not respond to a decision at any level, the parent or guardian or athlete has no further right to appeal.  While an appeal is pending, the student-athlete cannot participate in contests but can practice.


Violations of the training rules will result in the following penalties, which will be administered by the athletic director:

First offense: Suspension from the team for the next number of dates equal to 25% of the maximum allowable playing dates, (or for the number of dates that have been scheduled) for that activity, rounded off to the nearest whole contest, by the Michigan High School Athletic Association (M.H.S.A.A). Tournament dates will be counted when serving a suspension.

Second offense: Suspension from athletics for 1 calendar year as designated in a certified letter. This can be reduced to 50% of the maximum allowable playing dates of current or next season if these items are completed. Complete a student assistance program (related to offense) approved by the athletic director, assistant principal or principal, and 24 hours of community service as approved by the Athletic Director. May travel with their teams. May attend practice, but may not be actively engaged. May not dress for games/events. Students may begin practice before the suspension is complete in order to meet the minimum practice requirements set by the MHSAA. (This will allow the student the opportunity to become immediately eligible once the suspension is completed.

Third offense: The student is no longer eligible to participate in athletics or other co-curricular activities for the remainder of the MAPS career.

Succeeding suspensions must be served consecutively, not concurrently, (i.e., the first penalty must be completed before a second penalty may be started and so on.)

If a suspension is not completed in the current season, it will be carried over into the next athletic season in which the athlete participates.

Additional Rules:

Before practice or contest participation, a student-athlete must have on file with school officials, proof of a physical examination signed by a medical doctor stating fitness for participation. This exam is valid for one school year if given on or after April 15th of the preceding school year. The student also must be signed up with Final Forms.

Prior to implementation, coaches who wish to have specific rules appropriate to their particular activities must have them approved and on file with the athletic director and distributed to the student-athlete.

Students are required to use school transportation to and from all school athletic events if provided. Permission to ride with a parent or guardian may be granted by coach or athletic director with parent signature on the date of the athletic event. 

To participate in a contest or practice, the student-athlete must be present in school for the whole day or have a pre-excused absence approved by the administration. Illness will not qualify as a pre-excused absence. A student-athlete present for less than a whole day (after 8:00 A.M.) will need special permission from the administration to participate in that day's event or practice.

Students who practice with a team and are on the eligibility list for the first contest may not switch sports after the first contest has been played unless both coaches agree to it.

Students who have obligations (such as detention, suspension, fines, etc.) may not participate in contests until they are taken care of.

Click here to see the pdf version of the athletic code.

Interscholastic athletics are a compelling part of a high school's educational program. Due to the high profile nature of competitive athletics, coaches, student-athletes, and parents/guardians often have an emotional investment that can turn what should be a positive experience into a negative one when misunderstandings occur. These guidelines have been created to clarify the expectations for communication between coach, parent, and student- athletes at Montague High School. It also outlines a complaint process, if a problem develops. 

The goal of our athletic program is to develop within the student-athlete qualities of leadership, initiative, and good judgment. Our programs promote the physical, moral, and social development of our student-athletes so that they may be able to effectively perform in competition and lead under stress. The competitive goal of our athletic program is to consistently perform as well as possible against a variety of opponents. Consequently, Montague High School will always attempt to field the most effective combination of team members to achieve this goal. 

Team membership and playing time are not guaranteed, regardless of grade level or previous team membership. The decision of who makes a team, who plays at what position, and who is given the most playing time is within the sole and absolute discretion of the coaching staff. These decisions will not be reviewed by the administration or discussed with parents. 

The primary goal of sub-varsity programs is to identify, develop, and prepare qualified athletes for possible future varsity play. At times, younger players develop at a faster rate than their more experienced counterparts. Consequently, it is within the sole and absolute discretion of the coaching staff to determine whether a younger player starts on a varsity team and a more experienced player has either less playing time or is cut from the team. 

While being cut from a team, especially if an athlete had played on the team in the past, is always difficult and traumatic, it is part of the learning process. Being able to accept limitations and disappointments is an important part of maturing. Furthermore, MHS offers many options for interscholastic competition. A student who does not make the team in one sport may very well make the team in another sport and thrive in that alternate arena. 

We encourage communication among all as often as possible to ensure a proactive approach so that conflict does not occur. 

A. Communication a Parent/Guardian Should Expect from a Coach if requested 

1. The coach's background and vision for all levels of the program 

2. Expectations and requirements for student-athletes on team (attendance, grades, dress, conduct, etc.) 

3. Procedures to be followed in case of injury during practice or contest in conjunction with our athletic trainer 

4. Team rules and disciplinary consequences for violations 

B. Communication a Coach Expects from a Parent/Guardian if needed 

1. Notification that the student-athlete is ill or injured 

2. Advance notice if the student-athlete will miss practice or a contest 

3. Clarifying questions about team procedures and time commitments 

4. Any concerns are first addressed directly to the head coach only, not other parties 

It is NOT appropriate to engage in a discussion about roster selection, starting lineup, playing time, captains, other student-athletes and team strategy/play calling. The administration, including the Athletic Director and Principal will NEVER discuss or comment on the selection of the team. Team selections are solely left up to the coaching staff. Also, the coach will NEVER discuss student athletes with anyone other than the parent/guardian of the student-athlete involved. It is extremely difficult to accept that your son or daughter is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches are professionals; they make decisions based on what they believe to be in the best interest of MHS, the team and your son or daughter. 

Even when the above communication expectations are met by all parties, concerns may become complaints. Should that happen, please address your complaint according to the process below: 


1. The student-athlete discusses his concern directly with the coach(es) - If Not Resolved 

2. The parent contacts the coach to discuss the concern  - lf Not Resolved 

3. The parent, coach(es) AND student-athlete are required to meet personally - If Not Resolved 

4. The parent AND student-athlete puts the concern in writing, both sign it, and contacts the Athletic Director - If Not Resolved 

5. The Athletic Director will present the concern to the coach and recommend possible solutions - If Not Resolved 

6. The Athletic Director will meet with the parent, student, AND coach - If Not Resolved 

7. The Athletic Director will refer the matter to the Montague High School Principal - If Not Resolved

8. The High School Principal will refer the matter to the Superintendent.


Working together in a constructive and reasoned manner, the most significant adults in a student-athlete's life - his parent/guardian(s) and coach(es) - can make high school sports a great experience! 

Parents can be the most influential and positive support group for young athletes as they grow and develop. These RESOURCES provided by the Michigan High School Athletic Association will help students get the most out of their interscholastic athletic experiences.

MHS Ticket Prices

Adults/Students: $5.00

Blue Crew Shirt / Pass Owners: FREE (Must be worn or presented @ contest) 

NBC Ticket Prices

Adults: $3.00

Students: $2.00

Blue Crew Shirt  / Pass Owners: FREE (Must be worn or presented @ contest) 

Senior Citizens and Young Children

Seniors over the age of 62 are admitted free of charge. Children who are preschool or younger will get into all MAPS games FREE. 

Note: Blue Crew Shirts / Passes only are valid during the regular season. Note also that the only students qualify for the Blue Crew Shirt pass. Does not provide entry for MHSAA post-season events.

Montague Athletic Boosters  

Our Mission is to coordinate fundraising for and maintain an interest in athletic activities among the students in the Montague Area Public School system.

We do this by:

  • Providing support to MHS athletic programs
  • Supporting the organized teams and coaches in spirit and action
  • Encouraging students to participate in various competitive programs offered at MHS, and to strive for greater achievement
  • Promoting school pride and involvement in the community
  •  Supporting the Athletic Director and Staff Coaches
  • Raising funds through projects and donations

Join Us For Our Meetings

Learn more about the Montague Athletic Boosters and how you can help.


Montague High School has partnered with BSN Sports to bring you a one-stop shop to get all your Montague gear! 

Click the link below to shop and order: