The goal of the counseling office is to help all Montague High School students achieve their academic and personal goals--both during high school years and beyond. Consider the opportunities listed below and if you have any questions, staff in the counseling office can assist you.
Class Scheduling
In the spring, Mr. Patton meets with students to review the process of signing up for classes. Students sign up for classes using a special link in PowerSchool. To help prepare for the process, consider these options.
Online Learning Opportunities
If you are interested in online learning opportunities through MHS please contact Mr. Patton in the counseling office. We are currently able to offer courses both during the school day and for students outside of school hours.
Lakes Program
Montague High School offers students an opportunity to learn online, but with assistance provided by a classroom teacher as needed. For example, students may take an online course for credit recovery, as an elective and in some cases, as a core requirement class. These classes must be scheduled through the counseling office during the enrollment period. While some students may be using Michigan Virtual for course content, the primary online resource for the Lakes program is Edgenuity. A variety of courses are available in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages and numerous electives.
Michigan Virtual Online Learning
The State of Michigan, under Section 21f of the State School Aid Act, allows parents to request that their student(s), in grades 5-12, be enrolled in no more than two (2) online courses in place of a currently scheduled course. The district provides courses from Michigan Virtual ranging from core subject areas to specialized skills.
Muskegon County Virtual Academy
The Muskegon County Virtual Academy (MCVA) differs from the traditional online learning experience in that instruction is provided face-to-face with state-qualified teachers. While student work is completed online, MCVA prides itself on the relationships built between the student and the teacher. To register for MCVA, please see Mr. Patton in the counseling office.
Career Tech Center
Montague High is pleased to be able to offer students a wonderful opportunity! Juniors and Seniors are able to participate in furthering their education at the MACTC in a number of vocational programs. The MACTC is a place that helps students make their dream jobs a reality.
MACTC classes are FREE and available to all high school juniors and seniors. Classes are two and a half hours long and Montague students go to the afternoon session. All students must meet the same state graduation requirements in their courses at the high school. Currently their senior year they can earn their senior English or Math credit, based on their program at CTC.
The MACTC offers 17 different career training classes in addition to FREE college credit through articulated and direct credit opportunities. Job placement services are also available. A description of each program can be found at Muskegon Career Tech Center.
To learn more, contact Mr. Patton in the counseling office: [email protected].
Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment is an opportunity for Montague High School students to earn college credit at a post-secondary institution, in this case, Muskegon Community College, while still attending high school.
Michigan law states that school districts must offer Dual Enrollment opportunities to their students. This includes paying a portion of the tuition and fees (including purchasing textbooks) for college courses.
Dual Enrollment is recommended for 11th and 12th grade students.
Students may choose to take a college course during the academic year as long as the courses is not offered at their school and as long as the students have taken all of the MEAP tests.
Students must have approval from the guidance counselor and principal before enrolling in a college course. This includes discussion on courses being taking at the high school, logistics of fitting a college course into their schedule, and their future plans.
Each college course is equivalent to one course in the high school. This means that a student taking Dual Enrolled courses may have one hour “off” at the high school. Meaning, a student may report late to school and not have a first hour, or they may leave early and not have a last hour.
Please contact Mr. Patton or the counseling office with any questions regarding Dual Enrollment.
Early College
Montague is proud to be part of the Early College Muskegon County (ECMC) through the Muskegon Area ISD and Muskegon Community College. The ECMC is a program that allows selected students to extend high school by one year in order to earn both their high school diploma and up to 62 college credits from Muskegon Community College (MCC) at no cost to the student.
The program is designed for students who will be the first from their families to attend college or students who need extra support to continue their education. Students served by the program may not have the financial resources to attend college, may reside in single-parent households, be homeless, or be part of other underrepresented groups. Selection is also based on GPA, progress toward high school graduation, and test scores.
To learn more, contact Mr. Patton in the counseling office: [email protected].
Transcript Request
Past Students
Transcripts are provided free of charge to all past students. If you are in need of a transcript please email Jennifer Tallquist at [email protected] in the counseling office.
*If you need a high school diploma we do not have those on file but transcripts are usually accepted instead.
Current Students
Montague High School sends and receives transcripts via Parchment. Students will need to create a Parchment account and "order" a transcript to be sent to an institution or to see an "unofficial self view.". In order to do so, please press the button below.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Tallquist at [email protected].
Planning for a Career
There are numerous opportunities for a rewarding career that do not require a college education. Here are some resources to explore options available to students.
Muskegon Promise
The Muskegon Promise gives financial support to students in the pursuit of a two-year degree (or its equivalent) to supplement financial aid from federal, state and institutional resources. The Promise covers tuition and mandatory fees for students who attend Muskegon Community College or Baker College. To qualify for the Muskegon Promise, a student needs to live within Muskegon County or attend a school that is part of the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District, graduate with a qualifying grade point average (GPA), apply for student aid using the FAFSA application and enroll at either MCC or Baker. No scholarship application is required. Graduates will be notified with a letter of eligibility. To learn more about the Muskegon Promise, visit Muskegon Promise.
Planning for College
Preparing for college can be challenging, but also enlightening.
In addition to the College and Career Specialist in our counseling office, here are some resources you might find helpful.
Preparing and Taking the SAT Exam
Official SAT Website
Khan Academy Practice
Selecting the Right College
College Simply
Take A College Quiz
Campus Tours
Michigan Colleges and Universities
Explore Colleges