Enrollment Information
This page should help to answer some of the questions you may have when enrolling your child. If you have additional questions, you may contact the Central Office at 231-893-1515.
How Do I Enroll My Child?
To enroll your child, visit the building your child will attend and fill out the necessary paperwork provided.
School buildings are closed during the summer (June 27 - August 12). Families looking to enroll during the summer should contact their child's school building once office hours resume in August.
- Montague Area Childhood Center; Young Fives and Kindergarten; 5161 Dicey Street, Montague, MI 49437; 231-981-4670
- RRO Elementary; 1st Grade - 5th Grade; 4859 Knudsen Street, Montague, MI 49437; 231-894-9018
- NBC Middle School; 6th Grade - 8th Grade; 4700 Stanton Blvd.; Montague, MI 49437; 231-894-5617
- Montague High School; 9th Grade - 12th Grade; 4900 Stanton Blvd.; Montague, MI 49437; 231-894-2661
What Documents Do I Need to Enroll My Child?
Parents listed on the birth certificate or legal guardians with court paperwork may enroll their student. Each building will have additional enrollment forms for you to fill out.
The documents needed to enroll your child are:
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Immunization
- Proof of Residency
To demonstrate proof of residency, a copy or original of one of the following items is required:
- Voters registration
- Rental/lease agreement or receipt
- Certificate of occupancy
- Payroll stub or bill with address
- Property tax bill
Schools of Choice Information
The Collaborative Schools of Choice Program is a plan that offers parents and students a choice to attend other public schools in the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District outside their district of residence.
Schools of Choice information for the 2024-25 school year:
Students Living in Muskegon County (MAISD Collaborative Schools of Choice Program)
- The 2024-25 deadline for the MAISD Collaborative Schools of Choice Program for students residing in Muskegon County has passed.
There may be limited openings available via a release from your resident district. The process for enrolling via a release is:
- Contact the office of the building in which you wish to enroll your child, and the Principal will let you know if space is available.
- If space is available, contact your resident district for a release.
- Once a release has been received by Montague Area Public Schools, the Principal will check on your student's discipline history and will let you know if we are able to accept your child.
Students Living Outside of Muskegon County (Schools of Choice 105c)
- Students living outside of Muskegon County have until Friday, September 1, 2024, to complete a Schools of Choice application.
- Please call Michelle Pulver at 231-893-1515 or email [email protected] to request an application.
For the 2024-25 school year, MAPS has unlimited openings in all grade levels.
Note that a previous suspension or expulsion may result in your application being denied.
Transportation is not provided for students residing outside of the Montague Area Public School District. Parents are expected to transport students to and from school on-time. If you would like to inquire about the Montague Area Public Schools bus stop closest to your home, contact the bus garage at 231-893-1535.
If your child has been accepted through the Schools of Choice process in a previous year and has remained enrolled at MAPS, you do not need to fill out the application again.
For more information, you may contact Michelle Pulver at 231-893-1515 or [email protected].
Please note that these forms will need to be printed and sent to school with your child (or dropped off in the school office).